
[cit. from Pride, ep.2] Aki's Pride ~

I just remembered.
When our relationship became a long-distance one,
I actually believed in waiting at first. I trusted him.

Of course there were lonely times at first,
but there were happy times too.

Even if we can't meet..
I still admire my strength and modesty, for waiting.

That was when I started to like myself too.

Then, I've began losing confidence, and gave up, feeling weaker and weaker.
And began to lose the battle against loneliness.

I began to feel I can't wait for him anymore.
I started to dislike myself too..

But when I watched the tapes, I was reminded of my strong self.

I want to be the type of person, who has liked oneself forever.
I want to be such a woman who is strong, great and cute.

I won't be defeated by loneliness.
I won't close my eyes.

This is My Pride.

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