
Easter ~

Happy Easter to everybody!

It's already Easter!
And I haven't updated this blog for a long timee! (-A-)
Well, First of all I want to thanks to Monica for the sms that sent me last night! Sorry, but I don't have enough money on my mobile, so.. Happy Easter to you too! :D

Then, I'm sorry for Maho, that hasn't been able to read my blog for long time because it was in Italian! (;A;'')

Then, I hope this new Easter will be a sign of change in my life! I want to be less dopey and more active! I want to live my life completely! :D

Okay, next updated will be in English, and it will be about a test that I did in my classroom about my personality! :D

This is a funny video for you! :D I love that cat! *__*

Now a sad video that Dabi gave me last night. I think it's wonderful.

Finally, a wonderful video by Arashi (fot Maho's happiness)! I love this song! :D

Have fun in these holidays!

4 commenti:

  1. Happy Easter to you too!

    And thank you for the cool day we spent yesterday in Brescia ^o^

  2. Hi Frenk!
    Thanks to write in English.
    Really sorry, I have to learn italian...X3 ahah

    Well...I don't know Easter.But I've hear.^^
    Is it a festival?

    Troublemaker! Arashi is so cute♪ ;)hehe

  3. Ahah, don't worry Maho! It's my fault! If I write in English I improve my skills, so it's a good thing! :D :D

    Easter is a religious celebration! Christian's celebration! If you ask Shiori for it, she'll be able to explain you properly! :D

    You're right! I like them too! I think I should watch one of their concerts one day! ~
